I believe it was Blues Master John Lee Hooker that wrote, "Let that boy boogie-woogie, it's in him and it has to get out". No group of words could ever describe better why I paint; it's in me and it has to get out. As a young boy, the need to create with pencil, pen or brush manifested and soon became an all encompassing passion. By the age of 17 that passion was maturing and the first finished artwork was coming out. Now, 40+ years later, I still spend every moment I can creating paintings.
The majority of my work is strongly influenced by the natural world around me. My connection with nature is something that is rooted deep within my soul. Memories of crisp autumn mornings in Michigan, humid evenings in a Sri Lankan jungle, or a weekend walking along a valley stream in Alaska has provided inspiration for my work and continues to dominate my thoughts and dreams today. I am a part of the natural world that I paint.
To capture a moment in time and preserve it in watercolor or oil is my purpose; sharing it with others is my joy. When a viewer, looking at one of my paintings, stops and remembers a moment in their own lives and they smile, it thrills me to no end.
I paint because I have to, it's in me and it must get out. Why does it have to get out? Because nothing in life makes me happier than making someone smile.